Celebrate Antigua Sailing Week by entering to win incredible vacations to Antigua and Barbuda staying at Carlisle Bay Resort

Antigua Sailing Week 2021: The Virtual Edition is set to take place from April 25 – April 30 in Antigua, and the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority and the luxurious Carlisle Bay Resort are celebrating the event, by providing vacationers with the chance to win –  incredible vacations to Antigua staying at the five star Carlisle Bay Resort.

From April 25 to May 23, residents of the United States of America, the United Kingdom, The Caribbean, and Canada can go to visitantiguabarbuda.com, to enter The Escape You Deserve: Antigua Sailing Week Sweepstakes. Two lucky winners will each receive free airfare for two and a four (4) night stay for two, at the Carlisle Bay Resort in an Ocean Suite, inclusive of breakfast, and afternoon tea. Only one entry is allowed, and the winners will be chosen randomly.

“Antigua and Barbuda is open and we’re welcoming travellers to safely experience the destination, said Minister of Tourism, The Hon. Charles Fernandez. “We’re proud of our high vaccination rate within the country, and as more persons get vaccinated globally, we expect to see the safe return of competitive sailing in Antigua and Barbuda!”

The ‘Sailing Capital of the Caribbean’ there is nowhere better to get out on the water than in Antigua and Barbuda, known for its steady tradewinds and safe, indented harbours.

CEO of the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority Colin C. James said “The Escape You Deserve: Antigua Sailing Week Sweepstakes is targeting the leisure traveller, and travellers keen for a unique yachting and sailing adventure. After a year of postponed travel, we are providing them with opportunities to win free vacations to Antigua, where they can enjoy our open spaces on water and land.”

Located on a stunning horseshoe bay on the south-western shore of Antigua, overlooking tranquil turquoise waters and swathed by lush rainforest, Carlisle Bay offers a haven of seclusion and relaxation.

The vacation sweepstakes will officially launch during Sailing Week Sunday, a virtual 2 hour show on April 25 with live entertainment, interviews and stories hosted by Antigua Sailing Week from 4 p.m. AST on their Facebook www.facebook.com/SailingWeek and  Antigua Sailing Week – YouTube channels.

Travel enthusiasts keen to win one of the two free vacations to Antigua, will be treated to a personalized viewing of the Carlisle Bay Resort on April 28, during the virtual Antigua Sailing Week Lay Day hosted by the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority on Facebook.

Viewers watching on social media should be ready for an exciting day in Antigua, as the action-packed Lay Day will include beach competitions, Rum in the Ruins, model boat sailing, cultural entertainment by the Cultural Development Division and the Antigua and Barbuda Festivals Commission, and a tour of the Carlisle Bay Resort.

The Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority hosted Antigua Sailing Week Lay Day goes live to the public on April 28 at 11 a.m. AST on the Antigua and Barbuda Facebook page www.facebook.com/antiguabarbuda

Travellers are welcomed to visit Antigua and Barbuda in 2021 with lots of great experiences that are #sunseasafe in keeping with covid-19 protocols. For more information on Antigua and Barbuda’s travel protocols go to:visitantiguabarbuda.com



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