Harper’s School Art Competition Launches with ‘Stop Plastic Pollution’ Message

The Antigua Sailing Week (ASW) 51st annual School Art Competition has a new title sponsor, Harper’s Office Depot. To celebrate this creative collaboration, young artists will have an opportunity to create an environmental message under the theme ‘Stop Plastic Pollution’.

Managing Director of the organisation Roy Bento is looking forward to seeing the partnership with ASW develop. “We have supported ASW for many years and are delighted to be title sponsor of the Art Competition. ASW is a very important event for Antigua and Barbuda, both in terms of the economic value it brings to the island, and the opportunity it presents to support change in our behaviours as a nation.” Bento went on to say, “This year’s theme is very close to my heart as a person who loves to spend time on the water. It is clear that we have to take action now to prevent further damage to our environment. I look forward to Harper’s playing its part as a corporate citizen in supporting this programme.”

Antigua Sailing Week has had a long partnership with Sailors for the Sea, the world’s leading conservation organization that engages, educates, inspires and activates the sailing and boating community toward healing the ocean. The Clean Regattas Programme and their ‘No Trash, No Trail, No Trace’ pledge are used to support protection of the ocean by reducing your carbon footprint by not using single-use plastics.

Event and Marketing Manager Rana-Jamila Lewis explains the competition is an opportunity to engage youngsters from across our twin island state: “At its inception, this competition was initially devised as a way for Antiguans to be involved in Antigua Sailing Week. It has gone from strength to strength, and now that we have more Antiguans involved right throughout the event, both on the water racing and in key roles organising the event, we felt it was time to use the power of our marketing platform to support initiatives vital to our nation.”

For the first-time entrants have an option to use found objects as well as the usual crayons and paints to create a picture or collage that will illustrate behaviours that can be adopted in daily life to stop plastic pollution on our waterways and beaches. Found objects being defined as any debris that has been collected from the shorelines of Antigua and Barbuda.

The competition is open to students age 5 – 18 and the deadline for submissions is March 22, 2018. As well as the age group winners, 5-8, 9-13 and 14 –18, there will also be a Facebook People’s Choice award.

In addition to an assortment of prizes, winners will have an extra special treat with a tour of 115 ft ketch Sojana, winner of the Lord Nelson Trophy in 2010 and owned by Sir Peter Harrison. Finally, a poster of the art of the overall winner will be displayed on the neighborhood welcome sign located at Cobbs Cross.

Additional details can be found on the Harper’s Office Depot School Art Competition page on www.sailingweek.com, through schools or by speaking to Arlene Lake on 764-1072.

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