Reminder – Small Craft Regulations and Cruising Permits

A foreign registered vessel operating in Antigua & Barbuda waters must comply with the small craft regulations but this will be part of the conditions of the short term Cruising Permit. The Cruising Permits (issued by Port Authority or National Parks) are valid for certain time-period, up to a maximum of six consecutive months.

Local vessels and/or Antigua & Barbuda registered vessels are surveyed and issued a Small Craft Safety Certificate and Licence. However, foreign registered visiting vessels sailing in Antigua and Barbuda waters declare their adherence to an equivalent standard when the Cruising permit is issued.

Therefore regarding enforcement as a minimum vessels must be able to present a valid Cruising Permit to the Coast guard during any spot checks.

Individuals who have questions should visit the website FAQs which addresses a range of questions. For further clarification please contact the office directly . compliance guidance has been provided to the coast guard and can also be found the domestic vessel services website

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