Small Craft Owners Notice

Please read the following advisory from the Antigua Barbuda Department of Marine Service (ADOMS) with regards to the enforcement of the small craft regulation 2017.

Small Craft (Control) Regulations 2017

The Antigua and Barbuda Department of Marine Services and Merchant Shipping (ADOMS) is the Authority with full responsibility for Registration, Licensing and Regulation of all small pleasure craft and small commercial vessels, operating in Antigua and Barbuda waters and/or registered under the flag.

In the context of these regulations, a small pleasure craft is less than 24 meters in length and includes yachts, power boats, canoes, dinghies, kayaks, pontoons and jet skis, operating on inland waters and the protected and coastal waters of Antigua and Barbuda.

Unless excepted, it is now an offense to operate small craft, without a valid Safety Certificate and License and be properly marked.

Regular inspections are now being carried out by the Coast Guard supported by ADOMS.

Where a small craft is found not to have a valid Safety Certificate and License a Warning Notice will be duly served on the operator, giving two weeks for compliance.

Failure to comply will result in a Prohibition or Detention Notice being issued on the vessel, restricting or denying its operation.

Any breach of the above regulations constitutes an offense and upon summary conviction may lead to a heavy fine and/or imprisonment.

Additional information:

In addition to checking that local vessels are properly licensed by this office, foreign registered vessels are also being checked for their cruising permit.

The cruising permit should now have an ADOMS Advisory Note attached, explaining the new small craft regulations that apply in Antigua & Barbuda waters.

If owners/operators have any questions on the safety standard further information can be obtained from ADOMS Technical Department.

Telephone 1268 462 1273





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