Antigua Sailing Week (ASW) is delighted to announce a further two-year partnership with Peters & May as the Official Yacht Transport and Logistics Partner of Antigua Sailing Week. The agreement was finalised following a successful year in 2016, as it has been some years since Antigua has seen a consistent yacht transport solution into and out of Antigua.
New in 2017, Peters & May will be the sponsor of the Round Antigua Race to be known as the Peters & May Round Antigua Race. This optional race around Antigua on Saturday, April 29, 2017 will be scored separately from the full week of racing from April 30 through May 5, and will therefore be an excellent tune up opportunity for crews.  The Peters & May Round Antigua Race is open to all boats, whether or not participating in Antigua Sailing Week, including classic boats finishing their season following Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta, and boats in Antigua in advance of the Antigua to Bermuda Race starting on May 12.
Commercial Director of ASW, Alison Sly-Adams said, ‘We recognised some years ago the importance of yacht transport options to and from Antigua, especially at the end of the season after ASW, to provide yacht owners with an option to ship their boats from Antigua to their next destination following the close of the Caribbean season.  We worked alongside Peters & May with the Minister of Tourism and key industry stakeholders, as well as the Port Authority and the Antigua and Barbuda Marine Association to determine how we can deliver the best service for our visiting yachts.  We are therefore delighted that Peters & May is backing us and extending its commitment to Antigua Sailing Week, especially in this very important year marking our 50th annual event.’
Craig Stanbury, Yacht Racing Operations Director of Peters & May Group commented, ‘We are delighted to be partnering with Antigua Sailing Week and the Round Antigua Race. We have developed a great working relationship with the ASW team that allows us to contribute to a fantastic regatta and provide a transport solution for yachts wanting to ship in and out of Antigua, which in turn helps grow entrants to Antigua Sailing Week.  We are committed to working with all stakeholders in Antigua to ensure a personal and professional service is delivered.’
With Antigua Sailing Week being the ultimate regatta of the Caribbean yacht racing season it means many boats that didn’t previously have time in their schedules can now participate in ASW.  It also means that boats that come for the great cruising around the islands here can choose to be in Antigua during the annual festivities before making the journey on to their next destination.
The first Peters & May Caribbean sailing into Antigua arrived on Saturday the 12th November, discharging yachts and containers transported from Palma de Mallorca, with the next ship Caribbean-bound leaving Southampton in November.
Discount for ASW Competitors
With the announcement for the coming season Peters & May is offering a participant shipping discount for any boats fully entered for Antigua Sailing Week 2017, with a further discount for a round-trip trans-Atlantic shipment.
Getting From and To the Caribbean
The Peters & May shipping schedule for the coming season has been released with the first ship West to East sailing leaving Antigua post-ASW around mid-May.
Peters & May is also providing a shipping option departing Antigua for Bermuda, which is perfectly timed for entrants of the Antigua to Bermuda Race who need cradles, containers or parts shipped, or indeed a hassle-free solution for wanting to be in Bermuda in time for the America’s Cup events beginning in late May. Interested owners or captains should get in touch with Peters & May direct for a free quote by email [email protected] or call +442380 480 468.